Dear colleagues,
We would like to invite you for the period of 11-14 September 2023 to the University of Aveiro Portugal to attend the 5th meeting of the Working group “Benefits and Risks of Exotic Biological Control Agents” combined with the IOBC-Global working group. Please save these dates. Looking forward to welcoming you in Aveiro, Portugal.
This meeting is targeted at scientists and professionals working with Benefits and Risks of Exotic Biological Control Agents, and addresses the following areas:
– Benefits and risks of exotic biological control agents in forest production systems
– Benefits and risks of biological control of invasive exotic plants
– Interactions between exotic biological control agents and native species
– Benefits and risks of exotic biological control agents of emerging pests and pathogens
– Novel tools to access the benefits and risks of exotic biological control agents.
– Synergies between organizations and networks dealing with exotic Biological control agents
The 2023 meeting will be the fifth main meeting of the IOBC-WPRS working group. The previous meetings took place in: Engelberg, Switzerland (2009), Hluboká, Czech Republic (2011), Bornholm, Denmark (2015), and Azores, Portugal (2018).
Although the group is primarily based in Europe, the meetings attract delegates from all over the world.
This year the group also organized a symposium at the XXVI International Congress of Entomology (ICE2022) in Helsinki, Finland.
IOBC working groups aim to provide a forum for discussion of different perspectives, under this frame directly following this IOBC Meeting, i.e. on Friday 15 September 2023, the Kick-off Meeting of the newly re-established European Weed Research Society Working Group (EWRS WG) on «Biological Control“ will take place in the same location (see preliminary programe). The two meetings will be managed independently, but we hope for synergies between the two events, i.e. that participants might attend both events. All participants are welcome.
Looking forward to see you all in Aveiro!